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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
In 1996 the plaintiff and the defendant were married to each other in terms of customary law. Their marriage was not registered. It was basically an unregistered customary law union. More

The applicant is jointly charged with others for fraud. More

On 1 April 2021 we heard this appeal and dismissed it with costs. We have been asked for the written reasons thereof and these are they. More

Applicant approached the court on an urgent basis seeking a declaration that first and second respondents and their assignees had committed an act of spoliation against him in respect of his occupation of subdivision 1 of Chifumbi North in Goromonzi District, measuring approximately 601.00 hectares. He also sought an order that the first and second respondents restore his peaceful and undisturbed occupation and use of the same farm. Applicant also sought an order for the eviction of the first and second respondents from the farm and costs of suit on a legal practitioner and client scale. More

This is a court application for review of the Magistrates court’s decision refusing to order a separation of trials. More