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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against the decision of the magistrate’scourt sitting at Harare on 23 February 2022. Defendant, who was the plaintiff in the lower court, issued out summons against the appellant seeking 50% share of stand number 1992 Granary Park, its development and 10 000 loose bricks thereon and costs of suit on a legal practitioner and client scale. She claimed that the property was jointly acquired. After the filing of pleadings, the matter was referred to trial on the following issues; - 1. Whether the parties were in a tacit universal partnership 2. Whether the plaintiff made any... More

: This is a court application for a declaratory order in which the following order is sought: IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The application for a declaratory order be and is hereby granted. 2. The applicant be and is hereby declared to have been married customarily to Shepherd Gwasira, and that she be declared a surviving spouse to the Estate Late Shepherd Gwasira. 3. The Late Shepherd Gwasira/deceased’s estate is declared to be governed by customary law. 4. The third respondent be and is hereby ordered to pay costs of suit. More

After hearing the parties to this dispute, I dismissed the application and indicated that the reasons for the dismissal will follow. More

The applicant is a farmer. He claims to have been friends with Mr Paulino Oliveria Martins who died on the 2 September 2007 at Harare. The applicant claimed that in the course of their friendship he lent the late P O Martins some money which he had reserved to buy an international truck horse with. In exchange for the loan Mr P O Martins was to import a similar truck for the applicant. As fate would have it Mr P O Martins died before he had delivered the truck to the applicant. The applicant said that when he made a... More

On 30 January 2017 the applicants instituted the instant chamber application seeking the following relief which is set out in the draft provisional order: “FINAL RELIEF SOUGHT That you show cause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms: WHEREUPON after reading documents filed of record: IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd respondents and any person acting for and on their behalf be and are hereby interdicted and restrained from infringing on the applicant’s trademarks No. 1710/2000 in Class 34 by using the name ‘Rudland & George’ and/or... More