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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for leave to execute judgment pending the determination of an appeal against the judgment of this court dated 24 January 2012. The background to this application is as follows: More

The applicant filed this urgent chamber application claiming the following relief which is quoted verbatim with its grammatical errors as set out in the draft provisional order: “TERMS OF THE FINAL ORDER SOUGHT More

The plaintiff issued summons out of this court on 8 September 2009. It sought an order confirming the cancellation of the lease agreement it had with the defendant, the eviction of the defendant and all those claiming occupation through it, arrear rentals, holding over damages, interest and costs of suit. The summons was served on the defendant on 9 September 2009. The defendant entered appearance on 11 September and filed its plea on 30 October 2009. More

The applicant is a body corporate operating in Zimbabwe. The 1st respondent is the executor of the estate of Jeoffry Sakala, who died on the 12th of January 2004. The 1st respondent is legally representing himself in the present proceedings. The 2nd respondent is the Master of the High Court and is cited in his official capacity. More

This is an application filed by the applicant company against the respondent on 31 October 2011, to confirm the cancellation of the marketing licence agreement between them, his eviction and that of his assignees, invites, sub-tenants or any other persons claiming occupation through him from the service station, the payment of US$20 737.03, interest at the prescribed rate, collection commission in terms of the Law Society by-laws and costs on the scale of legal practitioner and client. The respondent opposed the application on 18 November 2011. More