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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
At the close of Plaintiff’s case, Defendant launched an application for absolution from the instance. As was to be expected, the application is opposed by Plaintiff. Plaintiff issued a summons in his individual capacity in 2016 out of this Court claiming payment, form the Defendant of US$234 500.00 plus costs of suit on a legal practitioner and client scale. The claim is based on unpaid for security services Plaintiff allegedly rendered to Defendant. Defendant defended the action. More

The applicant approached the court with an application for bail pending trial. The applicant is facing four counts of theft of motor vehicles. The circumstances as outlined in State papers attached clearly shows that he approached the four complainants for purposes of hiring their vehicles which he in turn sold to one Phillip Samudzimu. The applicant in support of the application filed written submissions and also oral submissions were highlighted by the applicant counsel Mr Hove. Mr Hove pointed out that the applicant was a Zimbabwean of fixed abode and that he was a suitable candidate for bail. He further... More

This is an application for execution pending appeal arising from my judgment of 7 November 2007 in which I ordered National Blankets Limited to pay Branson Marketing (Pvt) Limited the sum of ZAR 720 607-07 and interest a tempore morae at the rate applicable in South Africa from the date of the service of summons to the date of payment in full plus costs of suit. It was filed on 2 July and opposed on 17 July 2008. More

BravoLtd is a company in the business of letting out properties. It owns number 125 Dartford Road, Willowvale,Harare, (hereinafter referred to as the premises). It is the plaintiff and the landlord in this matter. The firstdefendant is Wordhouse Multimedia Services (Pvt) Ltd, the tenant and leases the premises from the plaintiff. Theseconddefendantis a director of the first defendant. He bound himself as surety and co-principal debtor for the first defendant’s obligations under the lease agreement. More

Pending the determination of the application for review under HC4317/22 Applicant is granted the following relief 1. First and second respondents be and are hereby interdicted fromeffectuating carrying into execution and /or performing the tender award to the second respondent described as CIP and Chemicals Tender. More