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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for registration of an arbitral award. The applicant who was the legal owner of a commercial stand namely stand 11745 Harare Township entered into a joint venture agreement with the respondent for the construction of a commercial building which would be put up for rentals for ten years, with the parties equally sharing the rental proceeds. More

The plaintiff and the defendant entered into a verbal lease agreement and pursuant to that lease agreement the plaintiff has sought the eviction of the defendant on the ground that the defendant is in breach of that lease agreement having failed to pay rentals as agreed by the parties. It was the plaintiff’s position that it terminated the lease agreement on 17 December 2009 but the defendant refused to give vacant possession of the leased property hence the instant proceedings. More

The applicants are facing a charge of contravening s 47 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Cap9:23]. It is alleged that they murdered PetrosMutedza. PetrosMutedza was an Inspector in the Zimbabwe Republic Police. He had been called to disperse MDC (T) youth who had gathered unlawfully at Glen View 3 Shopping Centre. The same group of MDC (T) youth numbering about 50 had earlier on been dispersed by other police officers from Glen View 4 Shopping Centre. More

On 29 May 2011 members of the Movement for Democratic Party (MDC) convened a gathering at Glenview One Shopping Centre. The gathering later matched to Glenview 4 Shopping Centre at around mid-day where the group was peacefully dispersed by the police. Despite having been dispersed by the police the group is alleged to have relocated to Glenview 3 Shopping Centre where the group of youths again gathered at Munyarari Night Club. They were allegedly ferried to that venue by Norman Marega Chikura using a Mazda B1800 motor vehicle. More

The 3 applicants were convicted of murder with actual intent and sentenced to the minimum mandatory sentence of 20 years imprisonment for the murder of a police officer inspector Petros Mutedza who was on duty at Glenview 3 Shopping Centre on 29 May 2011. The minimum mandatory sentence was imposed in terms of s 47 of the Criminal Law codification and Reform Act [Chapter 9:23] as amended. More