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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an opposed application for a declaratur wherein the applicant seeks an order in the following terms:- “IT IS DECLARED AND ORDERED AS FOLLOWS: 1. All assets acquired whether jointly or separately by the applicant and his deceased wife the late Susan Von Ahn (nee Hlongwane) who died at Harare on 15 January 2010 shall be amassed into one joint estate. 2. Within thirty (30) days from the date of this order, or such longer period not exceeding thirty (30) days as the third respondent may allow, the first respondent shall file with the third respondent an inventory of... More

This matter has a long history. I write this judgment in order to set the record straight in the light of the fact that the respondents are now self-actors who may intend to continue to fight their cause as evidenced by their continued writing of letters a determination which was already made as will become apparent later. The first, second and third respondents are erstwhile employees of the applicant. The parties are embroiled in a labour dispute that resulted in the dispute being referred for determination by arbitration. The history of the dispute was set out in detail in the... More

The applicant seeks a declaratur to the effect that the amount of US$ 788 296.21 which is stated in the respondents’ Writ of Execution which was issued out of this Honourable Court on 8 May 2014 was converted to RTGS at the rate of 1:1 by operation of the law. More

The respondent instituted proceedings in this court in case number HC 1901/11 seeking an order for payment of the sum of US$17735-00 being the balance of the purchase price for goods sold and delivered to the two applicants, interest at the prescribed rate and costs of suit. The summons commencing action was served upon the applicants on 9 March 2011. More

: On 14 October 2011 the plaintiff issued summons against the first and second defendants. The second defendant (excipient) excepted to the summons. More