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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for leave to execute a judgement of the High Court granted on 26 November 2010 HC 5332/06 pending an appeal noted in the Supreme Court by the respondent on 14 December 2010. More

The applicants were the recipients of an arbitral award granted on 22 July 2009 against the respondent. In this application they seek the procedural relief of registration of the award as a judgment of this court in terms of s 98 (14) as read with s 98 subs (13) and (15) of the Labour Act [Cap 28:07]. They do not seek any substantive relief. The respondent has opposed this application on the grounds that the award was irregularly obtained. An appeal against the grant of the award is pending in the Labour Court as well as an application for stay... More

The present application was set down for hearing on 15 November 2013. On the mentioned date, both parties appeared and, by consent, sought a postponement of the hearing to 2.30 pm on Wednesday 20 November 2013. The postponement aimed at affording the parties an opportunity to discuss the case amongst, and between, themselves with a view to arriving at a settlement. The postponement was premised on the following two conditions which were that: More

This is an application in terms of which the applicant sued the respondent for relief in terms of the draft order which draft order is couched in the following terms- “It is ordered that 1. It be and is hereby declared that the purported cancellation and termination of the joint venture agreement is null and void, and that any such cancellation will be valid if done in terms of the following: 1.1 if any party wishing to resile from the joint venture gives the other party 24 months notice, in writing; 1.2 if any and all sums of money owed... More

The applicant is a trust. It was registered on 20 August, 2015. It has, as its main objective, the enhancement of the lives and welfare of vendors and informal traders who operate in Zimbabwe. More