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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for summary judgment issued by the applicant against the respondent on the basis that the latter has no bonafide defense against the applicant’s claim. More

According to the applicant the background facts to this matter are as follows: On 21 June 2010 the first respondent, represented by its chief executive officer, signed an acknowledgment of debt in favour of the applicant in the sum of US$418 400-00. The debt had arisen on account of the supplies of the applicant’s products at the request of the first and second respondents. During the period 6 June 2010 and 1 September 2010 a further debt of US$267 260-00 was similarly incurred. The total debt then became US$685 659-98 (inclusive of the amount secured under the acknowledgment of debt).... More

This is an application in which applicant is seeking: (a) The nullification of an agreement of sale in respect of a piece of land situate in the district of Salisbury called stand 17164 Harare Township of Salisbury Township Lands known as House No. 17164 Sable road Borrowdale West, which agreement was entered into between first and third and fourth respondents. More

The applicant is a female adult aged 31. She was arrested on 16 June 2011 on allegations of theft of motor vehicles. She has an infant aged six months who is incarcerated with her in prison. She has approached this court for her release on bail pending trial. More

The applicants applied for the nullification of a will of their late father that they purported was a forged one. In the will, the deceased, John Munemo Matunga bequeathed his entire estate to the first, second and third respondents who are his grandchildren. The applicants alleged that the signature(s) on the will differed from that on a cession agreement that was signed by the deceased in 1982. More