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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicants filed an urgent application seeking a provisional order whose final and interim relief were couched as follows: TERMS OF FINAL ORDER That you show cause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms: 1. That the respondent’s decision to cancel 1st applicant’s premises licence and to disqualify the 2nd applicant from dealing with medicines of (sic) being a Director of any pharmaceutical business for a period of twenty four months of 12 July 2018 be and i.e. hereby set aside pending the hearing and determination of the 1st and 2nd... More

On 11 July 2008, Vimbai Chidavaenzi, (“Vimbai”), appeared before the magistrates’ court, to answer to a charge of contravening section 4 of the Shop Licences Act [Chapter 14.17]. It was alleged in the charge sheet that from January 2008, the accused unlawfully conducted the business of selling goods at number 18 Lyton Road, Harare without a valid shop licence. It is not clear on the record in what capacity Vimbai appeared before the trial court. I say so because while her name was typed on the charge sheet as the accused person, the trial magistrate endorsed the name “Karima Investments”... More

This matter has had a long and winding history before this court. There have been a multiplicity of cases that have been filed before this court which all related to the immoveable property in question since 2001 which have all contributed to the delay in the finalization of these cases. The matter was further delayed by the death of the second respondent as it became necessary for his wife to be appointed executor of his estate and for her to be substituted in his place. The fourth and fifth respondents who were not party to the proceedings in case number... More

The plaintiff in her capacity as the Executrix Dative in the Estate of the late Nayison Mashavave DR 419/14 who died on the 24th February 2009 at Harare issued summons against the defendants claiming for orders declaring that Stand 8519 Glen View 8, Harare, belongs to the estate of the late Nayison Mashavave, that Stand 8519 Glen View 8 Harare be removed from the Distribution Account of the Estate of the late Richard Garikayi Chakabva, that within seven (7) days of service of this order, the defendants sign all necessary documents to transfer the Stand 8519 Glen View 8 Harare... More

This is an appeal against both conviction and sentence consequent to the Regional Court’s decision convicting the appellant on three counts of robbery as defined in s 126 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] (the Criminal Law Code). He was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment on each count with a third of the total sentence suspended for 5 years on the usual conditions of good behaviour to leave the effective sentence at 20 years imprisonment. More