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Court Judgements

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The applicant and the first respondent are allegedly siblings born to the late Timothy Chirimba, though applicant disputes that first respondent is indeed his father’s son. At the centre of the dispute is an immovable property, stand number 8577 Kuwadzana phase 3 (hereinafter called the property). It is common cause that Timothy Chirimba who died on 22 January 2005 was father to applicant, Letwin Chirimba and Joyce Chirimba. The first respondent claims that he was also a son to the late Timothy Chirimba but this is disputed by applicant. During his lifetime the late Timothy Chirimba was a cooperative member... More

This is an application for absolution from the instance brought in terms of Order 11 Rule 79 (2) of the High Court Rules 1971 on the premise that the plaintiff has failed to prove a prima facie case More

Applicant is seeking an order for the upliftment of a bar operating against him as a result of his failure to file a plea. More

This is an urgent chamber application in terms of which applicants are seeking an interim interdict along the following lines; “ That the police be and are hereby interdicted from interfering with applicants possession and ownership of their vehicle being a Toyota Registration number ABD 2925 (now registered as ADM1793) and shall forthwith return same to applicants, at any rate within 24 hours of this order.” More

At the close of the case for Plaintiff, the 1st Defendant launched an application for absolution from the instance. The application is opposed by the Plaintiff. The Plaintiff issued Summons against the 1st Defendant and others seeking a declaration that 4 Agreements of Sale he entered into with the 1st Defendant in respect of 4 pieces of land situate in the District of Salisbury on 21 April 2016 are valid, legally binding, and enforceable. The 1st Defendant resisted the claim and to that end filed a Plea and a Counter-claim. It later withdrew the counterclaim at the commencement of the... More