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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for an order compelling the first respondent to deliver title deed number 6563/99 and all other supporting documents and for third respondent to facilitate transfer of stand 321 Willowvale Township Harare (“the stand”) to him. More

Section 14 of the Money Lending and Interest Rates Act, accords protection to borrowers of money in instances where the interest rate agreed to by a lender and borrower exceeds the prescribed rate of interest. It prescribes criminal sanctions for lenders who fail to comply with its provisions More

The applicant was employed as a prison officer stationed at Chikurubi maximum Farm Prison. He was convicted by the senior magistrate at Harare on 14 March, 2018 for contravening s 4 of the Firearms Act, [Chapter 10:09] (unlawful possession). The charge sheet averred that on 18 May, 2016, the applicant unlawfully transferred 9x19mm live bullets or rounds of ammunition to one Allen Matemachani without a valid licence to do so. Apparently the said Allen Mutemachani was an ex-convict whom the accused had come into contact with whilst the former was serving a prison term. It was alleged that the said... More

The applicant is seeking an interdict against the first and second respondents in respect of Stands 8112, and 8114 Warren Park Township of Warren Park, Harare. It wants the two respondents to be ordered to cease any construction operations, remove all construction equipment and not to interfere with its operations on these stands pending the finalisation of the legal proceedings in HCH 7008/23. More

The Applicant in this matter is the 1st Defendant in HC 6212/20. I will refer to the parties in this matter as they are appearing in HC 6212/20 for convenience. On the day of the commencement of the trial, the 1st Defendant indicated that it was desirous to amend its plea. This was after a reluctantly granted previous postponement at the instance of the 1st Defendant. More