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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
: This matter for provisional sentence was set down on the roll for 16 May 2018. The defendant appeared in person. After hearing submissions, I granted provisional sentence in terms of the draft order. On 1 June 2018 the defendant filed a notice of appeal in the Supreme Court which was filed with the registrar of this court on 4 June 2018, hence the request for the reasons for the order made. The plaintiff issued a summons for provisional sentence against the defendant. The summons is based on written acknowledgment of debt duly signed by the defendant on 8 January... More

The appellant sued the respondent for the return of a ROTRIX RainmakerIrrigator machine alternatively payment in the sum of $8 900.00 being the purchase price for the particular machine. More

Applicant has brought two combined applications which ordinarily should be filed separately. These are, a chamber application for condonation for the late filing of an application for the suspension of sale in execution of a dwelling and the actual application which has been brought in terms of r 71(14) which speaks to the suspension of the sale in execution of a dwelling. More

The applicant approached this court seeking confirmation of cancellation of an agreement of sale entered into between the parties and consequential relief following there from. More

There was drama in this case. At the hearing of the matter Mr A Mugiya who appeared on behalf of the applicants applied that this matter be deferred to some other date in the future to enable him to attach the record of proceedings as well as the Notice of appeal to his application for condonation for late filing of Notice of Appeal and extension of time within which to file Notice of Appeal. The application to defer the matter to another date was resisted by Mr TE Mazarure on the basis that he was hearing of the intention to... More