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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This application was dismissed on the date of hearing. A request has been made for reasons for the dismissal. These are they: Applicant is on remand on a charge of rape which occurred in 2021. He is alleged to have forcibly had sexual intercourse with the complainant who is a juvenile. Applicant is also alleged to have stuffed complainant’s mouth with a piece of trousers to prevent her from screaming for help. In April 2022 complainant revealed the matter to her sister who informed her mother. A report was made to the police and applicant was arrested on 7 May... More

This is an action instituted by the plaintiff claiming the following relief which is set out in the summons: More

This application is made in terms of Article 34 of the Model Law in the Arbitration Act [Cap 7:15]. That Article provides: “1) Recourse to a court against an arbitral award may be made only by an application for setting aside in accordance with paragraphs (2) and (3) of this article. More

This is an application for the registration of an arbitral award made by Retired Justice Smith on 31 May 2012 in terms of which he confirmed as valid, the termination of a lease agreement between the parties, directed the respondent to vacate the leased premises, namely 1stand 2ndMezzenine Floors Century House West, 36 Nelson Mandela Avenue Harare, (the premises), or face eviction and directed the respondent to bear the applicant’s costs on the scale of legal practitioner and client. More

This is an appeal from the judgment of a magistrate sitting at Harare on 5 August 2010 in which she granted an order of eviction to the respondent against the appellant More