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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The first, second and third respondents have through their legal practitioners requested that I prepare and avail my reasons for the provisional order which I granted in favour of the applicant on 21 September 2017. This application is one of those unusual ones where family members fight each other tooth and nail over earthly riches. More

At the centre of this dispute is a company called WENTSO MILLING (PVT) LTD. The company is duly registered and incorporated in accordance with the laws of Zimbabwe, which company operates a regulated gold mining and milling business in the Shamva area of Mashonaland Central in Zimbabwe. The company though a legal persona was not cited in these proceedings. The company was founded by the applicant WENDALL ROBERT PARSON and the third respondent VINYU TSOKA from where the name was derived- “Wen” for Wendall and “tso” for Tsoka. The applicant claims to be a 60% shareholder and director in the... More

The two parties are on separation pending divorce. They have two children together both girls aged eleven and eight years old. More

This is an application for leave to produce an additional affidavit in terms of r 58(12) of the High Court Rules, 2021. The parties are embroiled in some dispute in a matter that is already pending before this court under HC 1968/21 (the main application). The first respondent is the applicant in that matter, while the second respondent is the first respondent. The applicant herein is the second respondent. In the main application, the first respondent seeks a mandamus to compel the second respondent herein to ensure that the applicant complies with its development permit. It also wants the second... More

At the pre-trial conference that was held on 21 August 2007, two issues were referred to trial. The first issue sought a determination of the suitable custodian parent, while the second concerned the distribution of both the urban and rural immovable properties of the parties. The parties agreed that their marriage had broken down beyond repair. They agreed that the maintenance order issued by the Magistrates Court remain in force and that neither party required personal maintenance from the other. They also agreed on the method and manner of distributing the movables. During trial the parties further agreed on the... More