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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for summary judgment. The applicant seeks the eviction of the respondent and all those claiming occupation through him from a portion of its land known as Sub-division 1 of TeneriffeKinvarra,Zvimba District [hereafter referred to as the property]. More

This is a court application filed for the removal of the first respondent as liquidator of Willdale Transport Services (Private) limited (Willtrans) together with an interdict against 1st Respondent holding a Special Meeting of the Creditors then set for 20 May 2020 to ratify his decision to sell Willtrans’ assets, or in the alternative, a declaration that the Special Meeting was a nullity and setting aside any resolution which may be passed authorizing or ratifying the sale, and consequently, the sale of the assets having been done unlawfully, the same should be set aside. Finally, the Applicant seeks a mandamus,... More

The plaintiff seeks an order that the defendant’s replace his wife a Toyota Emina Minibus, in the alternative plaintiff seeks that he be reimbursed the sum of US$11, 544-00 as representing the replacement value of the said motor vehicle. The relief sought is opposed by the second defendant. The first defendant has not sought or filed any pleadings in this matter and did not appear at the pre-trial conference, or at the trial. The first defendant is in default having been served with summons. More

The plaintiff herein claims an amount of US$15,390 as the outstanding balance for service and repair work carried out on the defendant’s Iveco minibus, together with interest at the rate of 2% per month and costs on a higher scale. The defendant disputes claim on the ground that the plaintiff’s work was defective and not in accordance with expected skills and standards. More

: The brief background to the matter is that the parties had an employer-employee relationship from October 2002 to October 2014. During the course of the relationship, the respondent was entitled to the use of a motorvehicle namely Mazda BT50 registration number ABI-6903 (the motor vehicle). The motor vehicle is owned by the applicant. On 3 October 2014, the applicant commenced a procedure to retrench the respondent. More