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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application made in terms of article 34 of the Model Law which is the second Schedule to the Arbitration Act [Chapter 7:15] (hereinafter referred to simply as the Model Law), for the setting aside of an arbitral award made by the Arbitrator on the grounds set out by the applicant in its founding affidavit. More

The plaintiff issued summons against the 4 defendants as principal officer and agent (in respect of the first defendant) and as directors of a company known as Kettex Holdings (Pvt) Ltd, in which it sought payment of US$1 579 418 being the value of products delivered to Kettex Holdings (Pvt) Ltd for sale. More

The applicants approached the court with a review application seeking to have the decision of the Master (5th respondent) of accepting the last Will and Testament of the late Bidoff Hollington set aside and that the Will be declared null and void. The issue that falls for determination in this review is whether the fifth respondent’s determination is in accordance with law or not. The applicant relied on two grounds of review as follows:- More

On 5 October, 2017 after reading documents filed of record and hearing counsel I gave an order in favour of the applicant. The written reasons for my disposition are laid out herein. More

The two applicants who are being charged of the Criminal Law (Codification Reform) Act [Cap 9:23] approached the court through the legal practitioner of record on as application for bail pending trial. The state opposed the application. Both counsel for the applicants and respondents in addition to the written submissions orally addressed the court. More