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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The defendant filed an exception to the plaintiff’s claim as set out in the summons. It did so on the basis that the summons: did not disclose a cause of action; was vague and embarrassing as it failed to show the nature of the agreement that founded the claim; did not conform to the mandatory Commercial Court Rules. Further, the defendant also claimed that on two occasions, the plaintiff filed defective summons in the Magistrates Court which he withdrew and tendered wasted costs. The costs were not paid. The defendant implored the court to uphold the exception and dismiss the... More

The applicant seeks the following order: “1. The order of this Honourable Court dated 2nd June 2015 under Case Number 448/14 is hereby varied to read judgment is hereby entered in favour of the plaintiff for the sum of US$16 000.00. 2. Respondent shall pay costs of suit.” The application is opposed by the respondent. More

This is an Urgent Chamber Application for a provisional order whose interim relief sought is stated as follows, “INTERIM RELIEF GRANTED Pending the determination of this matter applicant is hereby granted the following relief; More

The appellant was legally represented at the hearing of his appeal on 15 June 2023 against the judgement of the magistrates court, sitting at Harare on 14 November 2022 per Machingura Magistrate Esquire. The appeal succeeded albeit the success came by when the court exercised its review powers as provided in s 26 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06]. By letter dated 10 August 2023 the appellant requests for a “ruling” under case number CIV ‘A’ 403/22. More

On 3 July 2017, we dismissed the appellants’ appeal against both conviction and sentence. We gave ex tempore reasons for our decision. The appellants have requested written reasons More