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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff was involved in an accident abode a Toyota Hiace registration number ACE 1025 on 25 September 2011. The motor vehicle was being driven by the first defendant who is the owner of the said motor vehicle. More

This is an application for bail pending trial by the applicant who was placed on remand on allegations of robbery it being alleged that he and 4 of his accomplices fully dressed in army uniform robbed the 80 year old female complainant at her Kadoma residence whose house they pretended to be searching for weapons of war pursuant to a search warrant they allegedly produced. Applicant and his accomplices disarmed complainant’s guard of a firearm (revolver) which they immediately used to threaten the complainant and members of her household into submission and tied them and locked them into a toilet... More

This is an application for condonation of late noting of an application for review. The background to this matter is that the first respondent granted an arbitral award in favour of the second respondent on 17 December 2014. More

The applicants are former employees of the respondent who were dismissed from employment between May and June 2011. A labour dispute having arisen at the time of the termination, such was referred to arbitration in terms of the Labour Act [Cap 28:01]. On 1 November 2011, M.C. Kare, the arbitrator, made an arbitral award directing the respondent to pay the applicant certain terminal benefits. He also gave the parties leave to approach him for quantification of those terminal benefits in the event of any doubt as to quantum. More

This is an application for exception. On 9 January 2012 the plaintiff issued summons against the defendant for the following relief: “(a) payment of US$88 500-00 the balance due to the plaintiff for his salary; (b) interest at the prescribed rate per annum from 1 April 2010 to date of full payment; and (c) costs of suit on the level of legal practitioner and client scale.” More