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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant has lodged this review application seeking the following order: “1. The proceedings under Case No. 270/19 at Zvishavane Magistrates Court be and are hereby quashed. 2. The matter be and is hereby referred back to Zvishavane Magistrates Court for a trial de novo before another Magistrate. 3. The first and second respondents to pay costs of suit at an attorney client scale” More

The dispute in this matter is whether the now deceased died from violence arising from domestic violence or that she took her own life for reasons not very clear as a result of domestic dispute. More

This was an urgent chamber application for an interdict. I heard it on 14 February 2017 and reserved judgment. Evidently the application was prepared without regard to the elementary requirements for an interlocutory interdict. Even the argument on urgency was tenuous. More

This was an appeal against an order of eviction granted by the court a quo in favour of the respondent against the appellant. The order of eviction was in relation to certain premises, a dwelling house, situate Shabani Mine, Zvishavane, owned by the respondent but which had at all relevant times been allocated to, and was occupied by, the appellant by virtue of his employment with the respondent. More

Applicant is applying for a permanent stay of prosecution. He is a police officer who had charges preferred against him in 2015 in terms of the Police Act. A board of inquiry to try applicant was convened for applicant to be tried for contravening paragraph 39 of the Schedule to the Police Act [Chapter 11:10] “improperly using his position as member for his private advantage". More