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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicants brought this application on a certificate of urgency seeking the relief as appears below: - More

The applicant seeks an order compelling the respondent to comply with the determination rendered by a designation agent on the 29th of November 2021. In that determination the respondent was ordered to convene disciplinary proceedings against the applicant within seven days and conclude the same within the period stipulated in SI 175/2012. More

What is sought in this application is a combination ofprohibitoryand mandatory interdicts. The applicant seeksto have the respondent restrained from leasing out or otherwise authorising third parties to utilize certain pieces of immovable property situated within its municipal area contending that such use runs contrary to the terms and conditions of a servitude for which the said land was reserved or designated.Secondly it seeks to have the respondent compelled to take positive steps to comply with municipal laws and regulations governing the utilisation of what it calls “servitude stands”. More

The plaintiff issued summons against the defendants on 28 June 2017 claiming payment of $54 814, 85 being unpaid rates due to plaintiff by defendant in respect of Rates Account Number 211000882000008, interest at 10% per annum fromthe date of service of summons to the date of payment and costs of suit. More

The adjudicating process necessarily involves a certain amount of preconception and prejudgment. After going through the pleadings, one formulates an opinion on the strengths and weaknesses of the parties’ respective cases. More