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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Section 251(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe says: “For a period of ten years after the effective date, there is a commission to be known as the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission consisting of –” The rest is not immediately relevant. More

This was an urgent chamber application. The relief sought was poorly laid out in the draft order. But its essence was basically an interim interdict to bar the police board of enquiry [hereafter referred to as “the suitability enquiry board” or, in short, “the SEB”] from investigating the suitability or fitness of the applicant, a police constable, to remain a member of the force, or to retain his rank or salary. The interdict was sought pending the determination of a certain review application that was filed in this court under case no HC 392/17. More

The applicant was a regular member of the police force. He was a constable. The respondents sought to try him for alleged indiscipline in terms of s 29, as read with s 34 of the Police Act, Cap 11:10, and as further read with paragraph 35 of the Schedule to that Act. More

The applicant is a serving member of the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) and holds the rank of constable. He filed this application through the urgent chamber book seeking an interim order for the stay of proceedings pending the outcome of two High Court applications he filed with this court. There cases are HC CAPP 55/23 and HC CAPP 61/23. More

The following are the reasons informing my decision to dismiss applicant’s quest to have the decision of the 1st respondent set aside on review. The reasons are and provided at the behest of the applicant who has since mounted an appeal against that decision. The review application attacked the decision of the 1st respondent to refuse discharge the applicant at the close of the case for the prosecution. The applicant is currently on trial in terms of internal disciplinary proceedings conducted under the Police Act, [Chapter 11:10]. More