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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This urgent chamber application for a provisional interdict is anchored on an appeal filed with this court on 22 March 2018. More

On 16 January 2023, I gave a brief ex-tempore judgement partially granting the relief sought by the applicant. The respondent has since requested for the full reasons for that decision and what follows are those reasons. More

On 12 October 2023 we delivered an ex tempore judgment dismissing the appellant’s appeal and upholding the respondent’s cross appeal with costs. The following are the full reasons informing that decision. We supply them at the instance of the appellant who has since made a written request for the same. More

On 3 February, 2020 after hearing arguments from counsel I dismissed the application for bail pending trial by the applicants. I gave my detailed reasons ex tempore on that day. More

The phrase “the Magistrates’ Court is a creature of statute”has almost become a cliché in discourse on the hierarchy and jurisdiction of courts. The same holds true for the expression “the powers of the Magistrates Court are located within the four corners of the statute creating it”. These expressions aptly capture the fact that unlike the High Court which enjoys inherent (unlimited) jurisdiction (save in instances where such jurisdiction is otherwise ousted or limited by an Act of Parliament) the powers of the Magistrate Court are only to be exercised within the parameters of the Magistrates Court Act, [Chapter 7:10](or... More