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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This matter concerns an immovable property namely House No. 48, McGhie Avenue Rhodene, Masvingo (hereinafter called the house) which forms part of the estate of the, late Cornelio Evans Ndige who died on 25 March 2012 and whose estate is registered under WE34/13 More

At all relevant times Turnall Holdings [“Turnall”] was a distributor of asbestos sheets. At all relevant times the appellant, then 55 years old, now 57, was employed as a dispatch controller and stationed at its Bulawayo depot. At all relevant times the complainant, Major Family Savings Group, was one of Turnall’s trading customers. More

The first applicant is a trust. It is better known by its operating name Veritas. It is active in the field of human rights, the promotion of rule of law and the promotion of constitutionalism in Zimbabwe. The second and third applicants are two of its trustees. Both are citizens of Zimbabwe and registered voters. More

This is an application for bail being appeal. The applicant was convicted of two counts by the Magistrate sitting at Chiredzi on 14 December, 2020. In count 1 which relates to contravening s 59(2)(b) of the Parks and Wildlife, Act [Cap20:14] the 26 year old applicant was sentenced to pay a fine of $1000 or in default of payment to serve 5 months imprisonment. In count 2 which relates to contravening s 80(1) of SI 362/90 as read with s 128(b) of the Parks and Wild Life, Act [Cap 20:14] the applicant was sentenced to the minimum mandatory sentence of... More

The applicant seeks the following relief: “IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. The application for joinder of parties be and is hereby granted 2. The 1st and 2nd applicants be and are hereby joined as 3rd and 4th respondents in the summary judgment application under case no HC 379/19 and as 3rd and 4th defendants in the eviction matter under case number HC 379/19. 3. The 1st and 2nd applicants be and are hereby granted leave to file their notice of opposition to the summary judgment application within the next ten (10) days of the granting of this order. 4. In... More