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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Applicant filed a bail application on 11 July 2019. The State filed its response on 12 July, 2019 opposing the application. I heard the matter on 15 July 2019. The State requested to be heard first averring that it had a proposal to make. The applicant was not opposed to this request. The State announced that it was no longer opposed to the granting of bail. The suggestion was that the draft order was to be expanded to accommodate three more conditions namely; More

In our respectful view this is a hopeless appeal by all accounts. After hearing counsel on 26 September 2018 we dismissed this appeal for lack of merit. We gave detailed ex tempore reasons. On 1 October 2018 counsel for the appellant requested written reasons for dismissing the appeal. These are they; More

This is an appeal of a judgment of the Magistrate sitting at Zaka. The order granted by the Magistrate reads as follows:- “It is ordered as follows:- 1. Respondent be and is hereby ordered to keep and observe peace towards applicant. 2. Respondent and all other persons acting through him or on his instructions are interdicted from remaining on Govo land for the purpose of threatening or interfering with the normal business and farming operations of applicant, his people, his heirs executors, administrators, successions or assigns 3. Respondent and all other persons acting through him and on his instructions be... More

The applicants were electrical powere ngineering students at the Masvingo Polytechnic College (hereinafter called the College). The 1st respondent is the Principal of the said College. The second respondent is the Masvingo HEXCO Regional Chairperson for HEXCO Board. 1strespondent is cited as the responsible authority for student affairs of the College. 2nd respondent manages the examinations of first respondent. More

Our job or call as judicial officers is definitely not short of its comic moments. I never did foresee that the establishment of a third High Court in Zimbabwe at Masvingo under the good intentions of decentralisation and bringing justice to people would at times achieve the unintended. Indeed, it has opened flood gates to all manner of court processes especially by self-actors who nonetheless have the right of audience before this court. More