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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This record of proceedings has been endlessly shuffled between Harare High Court and Masvingo High Court since the conviction and sentence of the accused and his co-accused in 2019. More

The trial before me was a conflict among family members over inheritance. There is credence in the Shona saying, “Pfuma yenhaka inoparadza ukama!” Literally, inheritance destroys family ties. More

On 29 March 2017 we dismissed the appeals in respect of both matters being CA 7/16 (Ref CRB MBE 286/16) and CA 9/16 (Ref CRB MBE 287/16). We gave the reasons for dismissing the appeals ex tempore. Our view is that it is prudent that we provide full written reasons for dismissing the appeals. These are they; More

The marauding highway robber has been dubbed the modern-day pirate. As with his yesteryear buccaneer counterpart, hismodus is to target travellers, particularly those he believes to be in possession of valuable items or cash and use brute force to wrest those items from them. In the case of the highway robber he specifically targets travellers whether on board a bus or those driving their own private motor vehicles. He then forcibly stops them or ambushes those that may have stopped for one or other reason before viciously attacking and robbing them, (not infrequently at gun point) of their belongings.From a... More

In this opposed matter applicant seeks the cancellation of a memorandum of lease No. 2023 Hippo Valley Estates, Farm 54, Chiredzi Ref. LF/1978. The background to the matter is as follows: The applicant has an offer letter with respect to S/D 16 of Farm 54, Lot 3 of Buffalo Range, Chiredzi District. On the other hand first respondent holds the lease referred to earlier which lease was between the first respondent and the second respondent. The said lease relates to a pack shed situated at Farm 54 Hippo Valley more fully described as Lot 3 of Buffalo Range. The lease... More