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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
MAWADZE J: On 1 November 2017 after hearing arguments from counsel we dismissed this appeal for lack of merit. The reasons for the dismissal were given ex tempore. More

The appellant who was jointly charged with one Ekem Matutu was convicted of stock theft as defined in s 14(2)(b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23] by the Provincial Magistrate sitting at Zvishavane on 23 May 2019. After a full contested trial Ekem Matutu was acquitted. Ekem Matutu was not legally represented but the appellant was legally represented by one Nyabawa. The learned Provincial Magistrate did not find any special circumstances and on 5 June, 2019 the appellant was sentenced to the mandatory 9 years imprisonment. More

The first respondent is the ruling party in Zimbabwe. The second respondent is a minister of government in charge of primary and secondary education. He is a member of the first respondent. The matter before me was an urgent chamber application by the applicants for an interdict against the respondents. The first applicant is a trade union of primary and secondary school teachers in rural Zimbabwe. It is duly registered. It has corporate personality, capable of suing and being sued in its own name. The second applicant is a teacher. He is the current president of the first applicant. The... More

This is an application for leave to execute pending appeal. On 28 July 2018 I granted an interim interdict in the following terms: “Pending the final determination of this present case and/or the conclusion of the 2018 election cycle, including any run-off election, whichever comes first, it is hereby ordered: The first respondent is interdicted and restrained from asking, encouraging or forcing children at schools to attend or to participate in political rallies or activities or causing the closure of schools for any of its political rallies or activities. The first respondent is interdicted and restrained from compelling teachers to... More

At the end of the appeal proceedings we dismissed the appeal with costs. We have now been requested to furnish what is referred to as a full judgment and reasons for the dismissal of the appeal. The respondent applied before the Trial Court for an interdict against the appellants. The interdict was specifically to stop appellants from bringing building materials and from conducting any construction at the disputed business stand at Machongwe Growth Point pending the finalisation of an eviction matter under GL 152/19. More