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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an action for divorce and ancillary relief. The parties are married in terms of the marriage Act, [Chapter 5:11] (Now the Marriage, Act [Chapter 5:17], which marriage was solemnised on 19 January 2007. Not only are the parties resigned to the fact that their marriage has irretrievably broken down and therefore should be dissolved, but they also agree on the distribution of the bulk of their assets as between them. They however remain poles apart on two outstanding issues namely: a) The custody of their child Kudzaishe Magande (born on 9 August 2010) who, of their three children,... More

Lying at the heart of this dispute in the authenticity (and therefore validity) of a will purportedly left by the late Iddah Sharai Govereh (the deceased). The date of her demise is not apparent from the papers filed of record as neither party alluded to the same. More

The three applicants seekthe rescission of a default judgment that was entered against them on 4 December, 2019. The respondent had issued summons out of this court for the delivery of replacement motor vehicle parts or in the alternative payment of a certain sum of money being their replacement value (as well as interest thereon) and costs of suit. The default judgment followed the failure by applicants to enter appearance to defend within the dies induciae More

“IT IS DECLARED AND ORDERED THAT; 1. The applicant Robert Kagandi is a registered joint holder of mining rights, title and interests in the mining location which constitutes Coronation 2 Mine, Masvingo (registration number 5244) by virtue of being a member of Enfield Syndicate. 2. The applicant, Robert Kagandi has legal rights to conduct mining operations within the mining location named Coronation 2 Mine (registration number 5244) situated partly on Bruceham Farm (6 hectares) partly on Victoria Park Farm (1 hectare) approximately 137 metres Norton of Coronation School and approximately 500 metres North East of trig Beacon 475/T Re. Pegs... More

The applicant seeks the following Order. “TERMS OF THE FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this Honourable Court, if any, why a final order should not be made in the following terms; 1. That the first respondent or any person acting on his behalf for the purpose of furthering the interests of the first respondent be and are hereby ordered to refrain from in any way interfering with the applicant’s possession or occupation of Coronation 2 situated approximately party (sic) on Bruceham Farm (6 Hectares) party (sic) on Victoria Park Farm (1 Hectare) approximately 137m North of Coronation... More