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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The appellant appeared before a Regional Magistrate sitting at Gweru facing three counts. The first count is contempt of court as defined in section 182(1) (2) (e) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. The second and third counts are attempted murder as defined in section 189 as read with section 47 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. On the first count the learned Regional Magistrate found the appellant guilty and imposed a fine of $300 or in default of payment 3 months imprisonment. In counts 2 and 3 appellant was found guilty... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Magistrates Court sitting at Chiredzi wherein it granted respondent’s application for spoliation in respect of a piece of land situate in the Lowveld district of Chiredzi, namely subdivision 111 of Mkwasine Central, Chiredzi (“the piece of land’). The appellant attacks the decision of the court a quo on two broad grounds namely that it (i.e. court a quo) ought to have declined to entertain the application for spoliation as essentially the same dispute pitting the same parties was pending in a different court case. The argument therefore is that the court... More

This is an application brought on an urgent basis for what can be loosely termed as an “anti-dissipation” interdict. The applicant seeks to have her estranged husband (the first respondent) barred from disposing of any of the assets acquired by the two of them during the currency of their union pending the outcome of an action which she has since mounted for an equitable sharing of those assets. This latter claim was brought under case number HCMSF 80/24. More

The 3 applicantsthrough an urgent chamber application seek interim relief for all mining operations at Golden Hill Mine Mashavato be suspended barred or prohibited. Further that in pursuance of the above that applicants are authorised to hire and deploy at the said mine security guards to ensure compliance with the order suspending barring or suspending mining operations at the said mine. More

In this opposed application the applicant seeks the following relief. “1. The cession of the late Glamous Elliot rights and interest in stand number 3710 Dulibadzumu Township, Beitbridge by the first respondent and approved be the 2nd respondent be and is hereby cancelled. 2. The 2nd respondents to include 3710 Dulibadzimu to the estate of the late Glamous Elliot 3. The respondents to pay costs on attorney client sale.” More