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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 2 December 2016 I granted a provisional order restraining the respondents from preventing the applicant sitting an examination that was scheduled for 5 December 2016. More

The applicant seeks relief couched as follows: - “1. It is declared that Andrew William Tashanduka Bere is a citizen of Zimbabwe by birth with entitlement to dual citizenship. 2. 1st respondent is directed to issue the applicant with a regular external birth certificate, national ID, passport and marriage certificate within 21 days of the date of this order 3. 2nd respondent is to endorse in the applicant’s USA issued passport that he is entitled to remain in Zimbabwe indefinitely 4. 2nd respondent to refund the applicant the sum $1 000 paid by the applicant for the issue of a... More

This was an appeal against sentence only. We heard argument and reserved judgment. This now is our judgment. More

This was an appeal from the magistrate’s court against the refusal of bail pending appeal. More

This is a claim for an order of specific performance. The plaintiff, a registered company, seeks to have the first and second defendants compelled to take all necessary steps to effect transfer to it certain immovable property it purchased from them. In the event of the latter’s failure or refusal to co-operate in this regard, the plaintiff seeks an order authorizing the sheriff (i.e., the fourth defendant) to do so in their stead. The claim comes in wake of an agreement of sale in respect of the said property entered into between the second defendant and her late “husband”, Maxwell... More