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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The two appeals CIV ‘A’48/19 and CIV ‘A’13/20 were consolidated by consent of the parties. They involve the same parties and involve the same issues around a certain property in ZvishavanenamelyStand Number 149/ ST 53 Mandava Township. It was agreed that the parties would filesupplementary heads of arguments embracing the two cases. More

On the 14 March 2018 after hearing counsel we granted the following order; “The appeal be and is hereby dismissed.” The reasons for dismissing the appeal in respect of both conviction and sentence were given ex tempore. Later counsel for the appellant requested written reasons for dismissing the appeal. We now provide the said reasons. More

This is a civil appeal. The dispute between the parties is over a piece of land that is at the boundary of their adjoining properties. The appellant made an application before the court a quofor a spoliation order and a prohibitory interdict. The application was dismissed. He now appeals to this court. More

This is an appeal against a judgment by a Magistrate sitting at Gweru Magistrates Court. We dismissed the appeal and gave an extempore judgment. Our reasons have been requested and these are they: In the Court a quo appellant applied for custody of two minor children born of her and respondent. The appellant and respondent are husband and wife. The appellant in her founding affidavit averred as follows: On 5 November 2020 she left the matrimonial home due to marital difficulties. She sought and obtained a protection order against the respondent. Upon leaving the matrimonial home she left the minor... More

This was an application for discharge from extradition in terms of the Extradition Act, [Cap 9:08]. The background was quite colourful. More