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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This matter is an urgent chamber application for stay of execution. The applicants are former employees of the 1st respondent while the 2nd respondent is cited in his official capacity. The Magistrates Court sitting at Masvingo handed down two judgments in case numbers 712/19 and 713/19 and eviction was granted in 1st respondent’s favour. The applicants filed an appeal under case number 712/19 on the same day with the other appellants under case number 713/19 (SMM v Miriam Kwangwa & 77 Others). The applicants failed to file heads of argument as per the Rules of Court. The applicants seek to... More

This is an opposed application wherein applicant seeks the following relief:- “IT IS HEREBY ORDERED 1. That applicant was on a contract without limit of time. 2. That the variation of the applicant’s contract of employment is null and void 3. That the fixed term contract be taken to never have existed and that the respondent reinstates the applicant to his employment as if the purported termination of contract never happened. 4. That there be no order of costs if application is not opposed.” More

This was an urgent chamber application. On 29 January 2019 I granted the provisional order sought, albeit with slight modifications. But on 14 March 2019 I rescinded that ordermero motu. In between I had come to realise that there had been a patent error. More

This was an opposed application. The original and main dispute was between the applicant and the third respondent. But in this particular application the applicant sought a remedy against the first and second respondents. I guess the third respondent was cited merely as a nominal respondent being so much of an interested party. More

This is a civil appeal against a decision of the Magistrates Court sitting at Gweru. The matter came before the Learned Magistrate as an urgent chamber application for eviction. In the court a quo the respondent herein was the applicant while the appellant herein was the respondent. More