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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an interpleader application brought in terms of Order 30 Rule 205 A of the High Court Rules, 1971. The subject matter of contestation being a 45 year old Mazda B 1600 pick-up truck Registration Number AAH 9248 (the motor vehicle). This motor vehicle was attached by the Sheriff pursuant to a judgment by this court in case No. HC 7513/17. In that case the judgment creditor obtained judgment against three co-defendants;Zimside Logistics (Private) Limited, Elliot Matanga and Charles Mathe for the payment of atotal sum of $39 582 for what is described in the court order as “loss... More

Accused 2, Richard Makuchete [“the accused], aged 25 years at the time, was one of three brothers arrested for the murder of their cousin, Zvinowanda Zvinowanda [“Deceased”]. The murder happened in rural Masvingo under Chief Chikwanda. By the time of trial only the accused was available. More

The State bungled one of the charges preferred against the accused. The trial magistrate not only missed that, but it also mishandled the sentencing options. That is what has prompted this review judgment. More

The two accused persons, Jealous Nemaringa and Patrick Marufu, were jointly charged with murder. The allegations against them were that on 28 September 2015, in rural Bikita, Masvingo, one or other or both of them unlawfully caused the death of the deceased, one Farai Manyanga. They allegedly hit him with logs on the head multiple times. More

On 16 August 2016 the accused struck and killed the deceased. He was charged with murder. He pleaded self-defence. A trial ensued over two days. Only two witnesses gave oral testimony: the deceased’s wife, Jennifer Mushandu [“Jennifer”], and the accused himself. More