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Court Judgements

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Both accused persons who are siblings are facing a charge of murder as defined in s 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform Act [Cap 9:23]. The charge is that on 13 June 2016 at Chirove Village, Headman Mpapa, Chief Sengwe, Chiredzi both accused persons or one of them struck their father Shadreck Kasha with an axe on back of head and on the throat causing his death. More

The accused who was initially facing the charge of murder as defined in s 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform Act) [Chapter 9:23] was subsequently convicted on his own plea of guilty of contravening s 49 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] which relates to culpable homicide. The matter proceeded on a statement of agreed facts. More

The accused who was facing the charge of murder as defined in s 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform Act [Cap 9:23] was convicted of the permissible verdict of culpable homicide as defined s 49 of the same Act. More

The accused who was initially facing a charge of murder as defined in s 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23] was subsequently convicted on his on plea of guilty of contravening section 49 of the same Act which relates to culpable homicide. This was after the matter proceeded on the basis of a statement of agreed facts. More

Theaccused is arraigned for contravening section 47 (i) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reformed) Act [Chapter 9:23] which relates to murder. The charge is that on 12 April 2021 at Village 24, Mukosi Resettlement scheme, Chief Nyajena Masvingo the accused intentionally and unlawfully caused the death of Tinago Chikunda, his brother in law, by stabbing with a knife on the neck once. At the material time both the accused and the now deceased were 46 years old and residing in the same village, that is, village 24 MukosiResettlement Scheme, Chief Nyajena Masvingo. The now deceased was a brother in... More