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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The year was 2016. Conditions were ripe, according to the Judicial Service Commission(the 1st respondent), for the appointment of four additional judges to the Supreme Court to meet the manpower demands of that bench. Acting therefore in terms of Section 180 of the Constitution, the 1st respondent flighted advertisements in the print media announcing the existence such vacancies and inviting nominations from the President (the 2nd Respondent) and members of the public with a view thereafter to conducting public interviews to fill those vacant positions. More

Applicants 1 to 10 are one faction of a trade union. Respondents 2 to 6 are the other. The trade union is the first respondent. The seventh respondent is the undertaking or industry in which the trade union is established. It is the employer. It is cited as a nominal party. It did not file any papers, electing to abide by the decision of the court. More

This present matter is a dispute over the origins hence ownership of a consignment of Lithium ore seized by police on the 8th of May 2023. The applicant and 1st respondent are both duly registered companies and are both into lithium ore mining. In addition, the 1st respondent claims that it also sources lithium ore from small scale miners. The facts of this matter are fairly straight forward and for the most part common cause. On 5 May 2023 the applicant got wind from the police that some lithium ore suspected to have been extracted from its mine was in... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Magistrates Court sitting at Chiredzi wherein it grantedan application for an interdict against the appellant in the following terms: - “The application is hereby granted and it is hereby ordered as follows; 1. 2nd respondent whether through agents, employees or representatives are hereby ordered to stop forthwith from accessing Stand Number 4549, Chiredzi Township for purposes of any other business incidental thereto. 2. Each party to bear its own costs.” More

This matter is centred on an application for a declaratory order in the following terms:- “IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. The application be and is hereby granted. 2. Applicant be and is hereby declared the legitimate holder of the demarcated rural stand in Mpandawana Village, Chief Gutu. 3. Respondent and all those claiming rights through him be and are hereby interdicted from executing the writ of execution issued in 2015 against the property of the applicant. 4. The parties be and are hereby ordered to maintain the boundaries demarcated by Chief Gutu against their stands. 5. Respondent be and is... More