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Court Judgements

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This matter involves a love triangle. Despite her advanced age the accused who hails from Mamvura village Chief Munyikwa, Gutu was in love with two men. These were Simbarashe Matombo the aged 46 years who is the now deceased and was residing in Matombo village, Chief Munyikwa, Gutu and one Ephias Chiwara aged 49 years of Mutsaka Village, Chief Munyikwa, Gutu. These two men were aware that they were in love with the same local woman, the accused. In fact Ephias Chiwara said before this incident he had been once assaulted over this same woman, the accused, after being found... More

This review matter once again brings to the fore the often vexed question of what amounts special reasons for one to escape the mandatory minimum sentence prescribed for theft of bovine beasts. The brief facts of this matter are the following. The accused was convicted following his plea of guilty to the offence of stock theft in contravention of section 114 (2) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23]. He candidly admitted having unlawfully slaughtered stray beast whose custody for the time being had been entrusted to him. The owner of that beast remains unknown. More

At the commencement of this trial, the state successfully applied for separation of trial as the accused was jointly charged with one Charles Chinhosva. Charles Chinhosva is at large and a warrant of his arrest was issued. The trial proceeded in respect of the accused Lazarus Togarepi. More

MAWADZE J: This review judgment has been occasioned by the need to assist judicial officers especially Magistrates in sentencing juveniles convicted of criminal offences in light of the decision of the Constitutional Court in the case of State v Willard Chokuramba& 4 Ors. CCZ 10/19. More

: The delay in finalising this criminal trial has been occasioned by the none availability of one of the state witnesses the then Sgt Richmore Pepukai who had left the police force and was said to have relocated to Botswana. Although the trial commenced on 22 March 2018, Sgt Richmore Pepukai only availed himself on 6 June, 2019. Meanwhile pro deo counsel for the accused constantly changed in the process from Mangwana and Partners. When the trial started Ms V. Zvobgo represented the accused. After she relocated Ms P. Chimwanda took over who also left and the trial was completed... More