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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant seeks an order confirming that the agreement of sale which it entered into with the first respondent in respect of certain immovable property is valid and binding. Pursuant to such confirmation, it seeks an order evicting the first respondent and all those claiming their right on occupation through her from the said residential property. The property in question was identified as Stand No. 1191 Mandara Township, Zvishavane (“the property”). More

The applicants via this review application seek an order setting aside the decision of the Magistrates’ court at Zvishavane, per MATURA Esquire (the 2nd respondent) granting an application for execution pending appeal. The execution being the eviction of the applicants from houses which they occupied at the time of the application by virtue of their employment with the 1st respondent. More

This was an appeal against the decision of the Regional Magistrate’s Court, Masvingo, dismissing the appellant’s application for bail pending appeal. The appellant, a 65 year old male, was charged with indecent assault and rape. The allegations on indecent assault were that he had, without her consent, fondled the complainant’s breasts, fondled her private parts and had got her to stroke his erect penis. On rape, the allegation was that the appellant had had vaginal intercourse with the complainant without her consent. More

On 23 October 2019 after hearing counsel we granted the following order; “IT IS ORDERED THAT; The appeal in respect of both conviction and the sentence be and is hereby dismissed” We gave our detailed reasons for dismissing the appeal ex tempore. At the material time the appellant was represented by Mr Hlabano of Messrs Hlabano Law Chambers. More

The applicant was convicted of one count of robbery as defined in section 126(1)(a) of Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23] by a Regional Magistrate sitting at Chinhoyi. On 20th May 2019 he was sentenced to 7 years imprisonment of which 2 years imprisonment were suspended for 5 years on conditions of good behaviour. 18 months were suspended on condition of restitution. More