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Court Judgements

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On 15 May 2020 I granted an application for a provisional order temporarily staying the transfer of the applicant (who is a serving member of the Zimbabwe Republic Police) from Chivi Traffic Section to Mkwasine Police station. The confirmation, variation or discharge of the provisional order on the return date was dependent upon the respondents furnishing what was termed "lawful, good and sufficient" reasons for so transferring the applicant. More

The applicants filed an Urgent Chamber Application on 26th September, 2019. The first to seventh respondents filed opposing papers on the date of the hearing The 8th to 14th respondents did not file any papers and their position is that they do not oppose the application, if the terms thereof are broadened to encapsulate their interests. Mr K. Shamuyariraa trade unionist representing the 15th respondent is opposed to the application. He also did not file opposing papers. More

The parties in this application are embroiled in a bitter dispute over the implications of their failure to specifically include Value added tax (abbreviated herein as “VAT”) matters in agreements for the milling of sugarcane. More

This was an urgent chamber application for a stay of execution pending the determination of an application for rescission of judgment. The first respondent took a point in limine that the matter was not urgent. I reserved judgment on that and directed argument on the merits. Towards the end of submissions it seemed the matter could be amicably resolved by treading the middle path. By consent I could order a stay provided the applicant paid security in terms of Order 32 r 246[3]. More

This was an urgent chamber application for a stay of execution pending the determination of an application for rescission of judgment. The first respondent took a point in limine that the matter was not urgent. I reserved judgment on that and directed argument on the merits. Towards the end of submissions it seemed the matter could be amicably resolved by treading the middle path. By consent I could order a stay provided the applicant paid security in terms of Order 32 r 246[3]. It reads: More