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Court Judgements

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The contest for the seat of member of parliament for the Bikita East Constituency in the August 2023 harmonized elections was a two-horse pitting the petitioner and the respondent. They did so on the tickets of the Zimbabwe African National Union (Patriotic Front) (ZANU PF) and the Citizens Coalition for change (CCC) parties respectively. At the conclusion of that election the respondent was declared duly elected having garnered 9880 votes against the petitioner’s 7544 votes. The petitioner seeks a nullification of the result of that election. He claims that these results are not a true reflection of the will of... More

This was an urgent chamber application to stop an eviction on the grounds that the second respondent, the messenger of court, allegedly on the back and call of an official from the Ministry of Lands, was straying outside the four corners of the court order that defined the premises the applicant, and all those claiming occupation through him, had to be evicted from. More

On 31 May 2017 we dismissed the appellant’s appeal with costs. We promised to provide our reasons within fourteen days. Regrettably, the period proved too ambitious. We had not reckoned with a workload build-up in the days that followed. More

The property situate Stand 2468 Mkoba 7 Township in Gweru (“the property”) was at all relevant times owned by the fifth respondent, Gweru City Council. However, one Honest Pepolo was apparently buying it from Gweru City Council in terms of one of those standard term lease-to-buy agreements. Apparently in June 2004 Pepolo sold his rights and interest to one Claudio Chakanetsa, now deceased (“the deceased”). In these proceedings his estate was cited as the first respondent, duly represented by the executor. More

This is a remittal from the Supreme Court. We are to assess an appropriate sentence for the appellant.The order of remittal reads: More