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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This judgment is given in default of appearance by the respondents. I am much concerned by the conduct of the officials from the office of the Attorney General, the second respondent herein. More

This judgement has been necessitated by the decision I made with the concurrence of MAFUSIRE J in the appeal case of Tatenda Mhango and 2 ors vs The State HMA 33/19. In that criminal appeal judgement we upheld the appeal in respect of the mandatory minimum9-year jail term on the basis that a pangolin was not a specially protected animal for purposes of section 128 of the Parks and Wildlife Act[Chapter 20:14]. This was contrary to other earlier decisions we and other judges had made in previous cases dealing with accused persons convicted for pangolin related offences. More

This is an application for condonation for the late filing of an application for review. Should this application succeed, the application intends to seek a review of the decision of the 1st respondent rendered on the 1st of September 2022. In that decision 1st respondent declined to entertain the dispute between the applicant and the 2nd respondent on the basis that a determination over the same dispute had already been rendered in March 2014 (which case was captioned as Dispute/Falcon Gold 1 D Stoddart/2014) hence there was no need to re-open it. More

It is quite clear from the facts presented before me that the leadership of the 1st applicant, the Zimbabwe Sugar Milling Workers Union (the Union) is hotly contested. There are two factions claiming to be the legitimate Executive Committee members of the Union. These two factions have been for sometime now engaged in bruising legal battles apparently taking no prisoners. More

On 14 February 2020 the plaintiff sued out of this court summons against the defendant seeking an order for specific performance or alternatively the payment of damages for breach of contract in the sum of $4 560 000. In terms of the former, the plaintiff averred that the defendant had reneged on his undertaking under an agreement to avail his farm (Lot 16 of lot 10A, Chicago, Kwekwe) to the plaintiff to subside and develop into residential stands. According to the plaintiff it was a term of the agreement that upon the completion of the project the plaintiff would share... More