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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant is one of three accused who were found guilty of contravening section 45(1)(b) of the Parks and Wildlife Act [Chapter 20:14] (possession of a live specially protected animal). The trial Magistrate sentenced the applicant along with his co-accused each to 9 years imprisonment. The applicant appealed and his sentence was reduced to 3 years imprisonment of which I year imprisonment was suspended (see HMA 33-19). More

This was an application for bail pending trial. The facts were poorly presented. Despite several sittings; despite several supplements to the bail statement and despite several supplements to the bail response, it remained unclear what exactly had transpired. Only after some blow by blow account in less formal proceedings in Chambers did I finally grasp what had transpired before and after the applicants’ arrest. More

This matter has had a long and chequered history. In its various forms and guises, it has been in and out of this and other courts quite a few times. The dispute revolves around the ownership of a piece of land known as Subdivision 3 of Subdivision A of Imbesu Kraal (‘the property’). The applicant seeks to have the deed of transfer in favour of the 3rd respondent in respect of the property be cancelled in terms of s8 of the Deeds Registries Act, [Chapter 20:05] and that its ownership reverts to the 4th respondent. He insists that he is... More

The following are the reasons informing the ex-tempore judgment delivered on 17 April 2023 dismissing applicant’s application for bail pending trial. They (reasons) are being provided at the request of the applicants. More

The applicant was a mining syndicate. It was involved in gold mining and prospecting. In this application it sought several remedies against the first respondent in her official capacity. These were in respect of a certain gold mining block, Coronation 5, somewhere in Masvingo Province. The first respondent was the provincial mining director. More