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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
These two court applications were filed by the same parties over the same dispute. Later, the respondents under HC 585/19 filed an application under HC 1682/19 for the matter to be consolidated and enrolled as contested matters at the end of the 2nd term. The application was not opposed and I granted it by consent. I then directed that the two matters be set down for hearing on the same day. Both lawyers prepared heads of argument in respect of both applications. The two applications were then argued on the 2nd August 2019. For ease of reference, case number HC... More

Applicant has approached this court on a certificate of urgency seeking the following relief: “Interim relief sought That pending confirmation of this order on the return day, the following relief is granted: 1. The provisional order granted in case number HC 167/19 on 19 March 2019 is hereby discharged. More

These urgent chamber applications were filed under case numbers HC 1412/19 and HC 1418/19 respectively. On perusing the papers it became evident that these applications related to the same parties. The relief sought in both applications is substantially similar and relates to disputed mining claims adjacent to each other. I directed that these applications be considered and determined at the same time. Before hearing brief oral submissions from counsel, I enquired whether there would be any prejudice to the parties if these matters were consolidated. Legal counsel for the parties confirmed that it was indeed appropriate to hear these matters... More

1. These are three chamber applications which were consolidated in terms of rule 34 of the High Court Rules, 2021. The applicant seeks confirmation of provisional orders granted on the 3rd April 2022. The applications were filed in terms of section 5 of the Title Registration and derelict Lands Act [Chapter 20:20]. More

This is an application for leave to appeal against a judgment by my brother MATHONSI J handed down on 14 June 2018. That judgment HB 147/18 being in respect of case number HC 2606/17. The applicant had sought condonation for the late filing of his notice of appeal against a judgment by KABASA J of the labour court. Apparently, the applicant had earlier in case number HC 2016/16 made the same application before my brother MAKONESE J who struck the matter off the role on 21 September 2017 as it was improperly before the court. It had been filed out... More