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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is a dispute involving the sale of mining claims. Plaintiff believed that he was entering into a very good deal with the 1st defendant being represented by the 2nd defendant. In actual fact, it turned out to be a very bad deal for him. The drama unfolded on 15 January 2007 when plaintiff and 1st defendant entered into a written agreement of sale in respect of four (4) gold mining claims being Gazemba 105 to 108, Copper Queen under Gweru Mining District. The material terms of the agreement were as follows: 1. That the seller (plaintiff herein) sold to... More

This is a court application for contempt of court. The applicant seeks that the respondents be held to be in contempt of court, and as a sanction thereof be ordered to pay a fine and to comply with the court order. [2] The respondents in this contempt of court application are the Provincial Mining Director – Gweru and the Minister of Mines and Mining Development. At the commencement of the hearing, Mr Mutatu Counsel for the applicant informed the court that the respondents were consenting to the order sought. Mr Jukwa Counsel for the respondents confirmed that indeed the respondents... More

This is an urgent application wherein applicant at the hearing of the matter, raised a point in limine to the effect that the 2nd respondent’s papers should be expunged from the court record and the matter be dealt with as unopposed because the notice of opposition failed to comply with Rule 58 (2) (c) where it is provided that, “Every written application and notice of opposition shall:- Give an address for service which shall be within a radius of ten kilometres from the registry in which the document is filed.” More

In this urgent chamber application the applicants seek the following provisional order:- “TERMS OF THE FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this Honourable Court, if any, why a final order should not be made in the following terms:- 1. The mining certificate of registration number 37266 issued in favour of first respondent and the said certificate’s predecessors and successors be and are hereby declared to be null and void ab initio. 2. Fourth, fifth and sixth respondents, their agents, appointees or any persons acting in their place and stead shall not issue any mining licence, prospecting licence, permit... More

This case raises issues regarding minority rights in this country and one hopes, this judgment, in a way, will help spark a frank national conversation of these issues which we appear to have been shy or less enthusiastic to openly discuss. [2] On 15 August 2014, the plaintiff who is a transgender issued process out of this Court seeking damages against the defendants. The plaintiff’s claim was framed under different headings as stated hereunder: “(i) Payment of $100 000.00 being damages for unlawful arrest. (ii) Payment of $100 000.00 being damages for unlawful detention. (iii) Payment of US$300 000.00 being... More