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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Sometime in 2005 the land in dispute was acquired by the State in terms of section 16B (4) of the former Constitution of Zimbabwe. It was subsequently ceded to the 2nd respondent for the protection and management of wildlife therein. Applicant and 2nd respondent entered into a five (5) year lease agreement wherein applicant would occupy Lot 4 of Devuli Ranch held under Deed of Transfer 5251/92 and conduct hunting business on it. This lease agreement was entered into on 13th December 2017, a week after 1st respondent had issued summons in HC 3183/17. In that case, 1st respondent was... More

MOYO J: This is an urgent chamber application wherein the applicant sought spoliatory relief for the repossession of Lot 4 Devuli Ranch also known as Mapari Ranch. At the hearing of the matter I granted the order ex tempore. The 1st respondent has requested written reasons. Here are the reasons. 1st respondent had raised 2 points in limine. The 1st being that applicant was not properly represented as there was no resolution authorizing Leon Johannes du Plessis to represent applicant. A resolution was then tendered from the bar, the court accepted it and that point was settled. A 2nd point... More

This is an application for review in terms of Order 35 of this Court’s rules 1971 as amended. The applicant seeks a review of the proceedings held under the 1st respondent at Zvishavane Magistrates’ Court. Review is sought on the following grounds; “1. That 1st respondent did not properly apply his mind to the matters before him. 2. That applicant who was a lay person was denied a right to be heard.” More

1. On the 8th November 2020 the plaintiff sued out a summons against the defendants praying for the following relief: More

This is an application for the variation of an order for custody in respect of three minor children. On the 10th of March 2016 this court granted the parties an order for a decree of divorce and other ancillary relief. The respondent was granted custody of the three minor children of the marriage by consent. Applicant was granted reasonable rights of access to the minor children. Sometime in 2018, the applicant approached the Magistrates’ Court seeking a variation of the custody order. In that application, applicant indicated that respondent was his former wife and that the parties had been divorced... More