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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant in this matter faces a charge of contravening section 82 (1) of Statutory Instrument 362 of 1990 as read with section 128 (1) (b) of the Parks and Wildlife Act [Chapter 20:14] as amended in section 11 of the General Laws Amendment number 5 of 2011, that is to say, “Acquire, Possess or Transfer raw unmarked Ivory without a permit.” More

This is an urgent chamber application for a stay of execution of the order of this court in HC 2773/18 pending the determination of an application to the Supreme Court for condonation and extension of time within which to note an appeal. Such application is filed under SCB 107/20. The facts leading to this application are that following a divorce order applicant and her husband had their matrimonial home sold so that they could share the net proceeds therefrom. The property was bought by 1st respondent who has since obtained transfer of same. Following disputes relating to the sale in... More

An order that 1st Defendant in his capacity as the Executor in the estate of Pilate Moyo be ordered to transfer stand 1255 Dulibadzimu Township Beitbridge into the names of Plaintiff within 10 days of service of this order on 1st Defendant. b) An order that should 1st Defendant fail to comply with (a) above, the Sheriff of Zimbabwe or his deputy be authorized to sign all the transfer papers in 1st Defendant’s stead in order to effect transfer of stand 1255 Dulibadzimu Township Beitbridge to the Plaintiff. c) An order that 2nd Defendant pays the costs of suit. The... More

1. This is an application for bail pending appeal against conviction and sentence. The applicant was arraigned before the Magistrates’ Court sitting at Hwange. The applicant and his co-accused who are not part of this application were charged with the crime of contravening section 82(1)(b) of the Parks and Wildlife Regulations S.I. 362/1990 as read with section 128(1)(b) of the Parks and Wildlife Act [Chapter 20:14]. It being alleged that on the 17 November 2021 at VID bus stop, Hwange, the applicant and his co-accused one or all of them unlawfully possessed six pieces of raw unmarked elephant ivory weighing... More

This is an application brought in terms of article 34 (2) (b) (ii) of the Arbitration Act (Chapter 7:15) for an order setting aside an arbitration award on the basis that it is contrary to public policy. Applicant purchased a piece of rural land for purposes of extending its own boundaries and took title over the land by virtue of Deed of Transfer 1989/08 dated 25-09-2008. On that land, applicant produced a proposed subdivision of the whole land which it meant to construct multiple of smaller land parcels. A general map for the proposed subdivision was produced depicting and capturing... More