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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant is facing 5 counts of armed robbery as defined in s126 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23). The applicant denies the allegations. The state alleges that between 9 October 2020 and 23 October 2020 the applicant, in the company of accomplices who are still at large, and two others who are in remand prison went on a rampage around the City of Bulawayo armed with pistols, axes, machetes and bolt cutters stealing cash and other valuables. The five charge sheets against the applicant reveal that the applicant is alleged to have stolen cash amounting... More

The appellants in this matter are former employees of the respondent. Respondent sued the appellants for eviction in the Magistrates’ Court and the court found in respondent’s favour. Dissatisfied with that appellants approached this court. The appeal was dealt with and dismissed ex tempore. They have now requested for written reasons and here are they. More

TAKUVA J: In this application the applicants seek an order in the following terms; “1. The first respondent’s decision confirming the sale under case No. HC 4159/17, SSB 47/18 be and is hereby set aside. 2. The first, second and third respondents be and are hereby ordered to pay costs of this application only if the same is opposed.” More

The appellant was employed by Zvese Zvakanaka! Creative Credit as a Sales Representative. On four occasions the appellant misrepresented to the complainant Creative Credit that some three (3) customers had purchased certain products from the company, when in actual fact the goods were taken by the appellant. Appellant would forge clients’ signatures on the “Application Form” enabling deductions to be effected. More

The parties in this matter appeared before me in divorce proceedings. The brief historical facts are that the parties married each other in terms of the Marriage Act, Chapter 5:11 at Tsholotsho on 17 December 2013. The union produced six (6) children, 2 of whom were still minors at the time divorce proceedings were instituted in August 2017. The marriage relationship became acrimonious with no hope of restoration of a normalcy in it. I must mention that at the parties’ pre-trial conference before my brother MATHONSI J on 12 February 2018, great progress was made in curtailing the issues in... More