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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant issued out summons against the respondent in which she claimed payment of US$58 873 or the equivalent in Zimbabwean dollars payable at the prevailing interbank rate on date of payment, interest on the said sum at the prescribed rate and costs of suit on an attorney-client scale. The respondent entered an appearance to defend and subsequently filed her plea. More

This is an urgent application. This application was first was set down for 20 March 2023. At the commencement of the hearing on 20 March Mr. Chinyoka for the first respondent made an application for a postponement. Counsel submitted that the first respondent was served with a notice of set down without a copy of the chamber application, and requested that the matter be postponed to enable the first respondent to prepare and file a notice of opposition. The request for a postponement was not opposed, it was granted and the matter was then postponed to 30 March 2023 at... More

After hearing argument in this application for summary judgment I granted the application. I gave my reasons in an ex tempore judgment. I have not been asked for written reasons but decided to give them, nonetheless. More

This is a court application for summary judgment. Applicants issued and served respondent with a summons commencing action on 2nd March 2017. Upon receipt of summons, respondent entered appearance to defend. It is applicant’s view that the appearance to defend has been done solely for purposes of delaying the inevitable as the respondent has no bona fide defence against the applicant’s claim for his eviction from the company house following the termination of his employment contract. More

This is an urgent application. The applicant seeks a provisional order couched in the following terms: Terms of the final order sought That you show cause to this Honorable Court why a final order should not be made on the following terms: - i. That 1st respondent levies applicant in terms of the Tariff of Sheriff’s Fees and Charges. ii. That the fee should be in terms of section 6(1)(a) of SI 195 of 2022 as read with section 6(1)(b)(ii) of the Statutory Instrument. iii. Costs on a punitive scale against respondent jointly and severally. More