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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for bail pending trial. After the matter was argued I handed down an ex tempore judgment and dismissed the application. The parties have not requested for written reasons but I decided to avail them nonetheless. The applicant is 20 years old. He was staying with his father at the relevant time. The deceased was also residing at the same residence as a ‘caretaker’, looking after her cousin’s house. The applicant’s father was a gardener at that house. On 11th June 2020 the applicant was arrested in Harare on allegations that he had murdered the deceased. It... More

MAKONESE J: This matter was placed before me as an Urgent Chamber Application. The application was filed on the 3rd of March 2021. On the 5th of March 2021 the parties appeared before me in chambers. The matter was argued briefly. It was resolved that it was prudent for the 2nd respondent (Provincial Mining Director Midlands) to investigate the circumstances surrounding the mining dispute and thereafter file a comprehensive report on the matter to guide the court in coming up with a correct decision on the matter. More

On 12th September 2018 the plaintiff issued summons against the defendants in which he claimed the following:- “(a) An order that the will declared deemed (sic) to have been attested to by the late Anna Musakanda on 31 December 2013 be and is hereby declared null and void on the basis that it was not her intention that her property be distributed as they have been indicated (sic) in that will after her death. b) An order that the plaintiff be declared the rightful beneficiary of a piece of land known as Lancashire 434 in the district of Charter held... More

1. This is a review application, brought in terms of section 27 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06], as read with rule 62 of the High Court Rules, 2021. Applicant seeks to challenge the decision of the 1st respondent made on the 19 October 2021. 2. Applicant seeks an order couched in the following terms: i. The application for review be and hereby succeeds. ii. The decision of the 1st respondent dated 19 October 2021, in respect of the dispute between applicant and 2nd respondent under Ref: MATSOUTH/2/619/91/21 be and is hereby set aside. iii. The mining shafts and... More

This is a simple application that has been mystified by 1st and 2nd respondents’ legal practitioners. The application is for an interdict and an order suspending mining operations at the mining shafts under dispute between the 1strespondent and the applicant. Applicant filed this urgent chamber application seeking the following relief: “Terms of the final order sought 1. The determination of the 2nd respondent which is dated 19 October 2021 in respect of the dispute between the applicant and 1st respondent be and is hereby suspended pending conclusive and definitive judgment of the court application for review under HC 1644/21. 2.... More