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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
During their life time, Simon Kubvaruno Nhema (Simon) and his wife Lizie Nhema (Lizzie) were the registered owners of an immovable property known as Lot 5 Sunninghill of Willsgrove, measuring 8,6321 hectares. The property is registered under Deeds of Transfer numbers 2770/85 and 03321/21. Lizzie died in 2005 and Simon died in 2008. The deaths of Simon and Lizzie ignited a wave of appointment of executors, which appointments are the underlying cause of this litigation. On one hand the second respondent contends that on 8 January 2018 and in terms of Letters of Administration number D.R.B.Y. 20/18 he was appointed... More

This is an application wherein the applicant seeks to set aside a sale in execution. The facts of this matter are that applicant’s immovable property namely stand number 131 Douglasdale Township 3 of subdivision 1 of Douglasdale situate in the District of Bulawayo wherein the property was sold by the Sheriff for a sum of $310 000,00 More

On the 15th February 2019 I granted an order on an urgent basis in the following terms:- “INTERIM RELIEF GRANTED Pending the final determination of this matter on the return date, the applicants be and are hereby granted the following relief:- 1. The respondent or any of its representatives, upon service of this order, be and is hereby directed to break the seals and allow the applicants to resume trading immediately upon the granting of this order. 2. Failing paragraph (1) above the applicant be and is hereby authorized to break the seals and resume trading.” More

1. This is an urgent chamber application in which the applicant seeks a provisional order staying his criminal trial after the dismissal of his application for a discharge at the close of the State case. The interim relief sought is that 2nd respondent herein be barred from insisting that the applicant proceeds to her defence case under Case No. CRB 824/22. 2. The application is not opposedby the 1st respondent. The 2ndrespondent is cited in his official capacity because of the implementation of the order sought by the applicant, if granted would require him to stop the trial of the... More

The accused, a 17 year old boy appeared before a magistrate at Mphoengs charged with contravening section 70 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act Chapter 09:23 in that during the period extending from January 2021 to September 2021 and at Makuzeze Village, Brian Tshuma unlawfully had extra-marital sexual intercourse several times with Divinity Ncube, a female juvenile aged 14 years More