1. This is a review application, brought in terms of section 27 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06], as read with rule 62 of the High Court Rules, 2021. Applicant seeks to challenge the decision of the 1st respondent made on the 19 October 2021.
2. Applicant seeks an order couched in the following terms:
i. The application for review be and hereby succeeds.
ii. The decision of the 1st respondent dated 19 October 2021, in respect of the dispute between applicant and 2nd respondent under Ref: MATSOUTH/2/619/91/21 be and is hereby set aside.
iii. The mining shafts and... More
This is a simple application that has been mystified by 1st and 2nd respondents’ legal practitioners. The application is for an interdict and an order suspending mining operations at the mining shafts under dispute between the 1strespondent and the applicant. Applicant filed this urgent chamber application seeking the following relief:
“Terms of the final order sought
1. The determination of the 2nd respondent which is dated 19 October 2021 in respect of the dispute between the applicant and 1st respondent be and is hereby suspended pending conclusive and definitive judgment of the court application for review under HC 1644/21.
2.... More
1st and 2nd applicants were arrested by the police and arraigned before the court of the Regional Magistrate on a charge of smuggling as defined in s182 of the Customs and Excise Act (Chapter 23:03). The 3rd applicant is a juristic person and South African registered company which employs 1st and 2nd applicants. The two who were represented by their legal practitioners of record pleaded not guilty but were convicted of the offence charged and sentenced to undergo five years of imprisonment. The goods and heavy truck were forfeited to the State. More
This is an application for the placement of the first respondent under Provisional Judicial Management in terms of section 207 as read with section 206 (g) of the Companies Act (Chapter 24:03). More
This application is for an extension of time within which to file a notice of opposition in case number HC 2301/19. The order sought is couched in the following terms:
1. The applicant’s late filing of the notice of opposition be and is hereby condoned.
2. The applicant is hereby required to file and serve its notice of opposition on the 2nd respondent’s court application for review within 48 hours of this order.
3. No order as to costs.
The application is opposed.
During hearing, Mr Sibanda, counsel for the applicant after trying to argue in support of this application,... More