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Court Judgements

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On 1st of January 2021 and at 0100 hours the accused and the deceased were celebrating New Year’sday at Phokuhle Nyoni’s homestead at Dromoland, Inyathi. Also in attendance were Imanathi Ndlovu, Vusumuzi Moyo and Clement Moyo. At around 0400 hours when others had retired to bed, accused in the company of his co-accused, Vusumuzi and Clement took the deceased to Mtshoko Dam where they assaulted him with an axe and bricks on the head. The deceased died as a result of injuries sustained in the assault. The body was discovered by Livious Ndlovu on the edge of the dam the... More

On the 25th September 2017 around 22:00 hours and at Nubobs 27 Mine, Mphoengs the accused had a misunderstanding with the deceased. The accused stabbed the deceased eleven times all over the body with an Okapi knife. The deceased’s stomach was ripped open leaving the intestines protruding. The deceased was also stabbed in the testicles. The accused fled the scene of the crime. Deceased was rushed to Plumtree District Hospital. He was later transferred to United Bulawayo Hospitals. He died on 27th September 2017 as a result of injuries sustained in the attack. More

The accused is a female adult aged 54 years old. She appears in this court on a charge of murder. It is alleged that on the 18th March 2015 at Coolmoreen Farm Gweru accused unlawfully and intentionally caused the death of Rejoice Moyo a female aged 3 years by striking her all over the body with a switch or other similar object thereby causing her death. The accused denies the allegations of murder. She tenders a limited plea of guilty with respect to the lessor charge of culpable homicide. The state accepts the limited plea. More

On 14th August 2018 in the evening hours the deceased arrived home from a beer drink and found accused and his second wife preparing food on a fire place. The deceased who was visibly drunk proceeded to kick a zinc metal sheet that was used to shield wind from extinguishing the fire. Deceased demanded his items which were missing. A misunderstanding ensued between the deceased and accused. The deceased was accused’s biological son. Theaccused threatenedto assault the deceased with a hammer. Sensing danger, the accused’s wife ran to a neighbour’s residence seeking assistance. During the scuffle that ensued the accused... More

This matter has been forwarded by the scrutinizing Regional Magistrate. More