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Court Judgements

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Accused is facing a charge of murder in contravention of section 47 (1) of the Criminal Law Codification Act (Chapter 9:23). It being alleged that on 21st March 2020 and along Garikai Road,Ntabazinduna, the accused wrongfully and unlawfully caused the death of Khulekani Ndlovu, by assaulting him with an electrical cable several times all over the body and stabbing him once on the arm and on the thigh intending to cause his death. The accused denies the allegations. He tenders a limited plea of guilty to the lesser charge of culpable homicide. The state accepts the limited plea. More

This matter brings into focus the negative impact of the deep rooted belief in witchcraft in a number of communities in our nation. In most African countries the belief in the occult, witchcraft and Christianity is interwoven in the social fabric. Sometime in September 2019, the accused consulted a witchdoctor/hunter (commonly known as Tsikamutanda) who advised him that deceased, a 73 year old woman, was bewitching him and sucking his blood. The witchdoctor performed some rituals at accused’s homestead that included the placing of pegs around the homestead and the sprinkling of salt. The accused was assured that the evil... More

MAKONESE J: The accused has been arraigned in this court on a charge of murder. It is alleged that on 1st January 2018 and at 2338 Emakhandeni, Bulawayo, he assaulted Bhekimpilo Moyo intending to cause his death or realizing that there was a real possibility that death might ensue. The accused denied the allegations and pleaded not guilty. On 31st December 2017 Mengezi Moyo arranged a New Year’s eve get together party at his residence at Emakhandeni. Relatives and friends were invited to the function. Beer was being consumed in fairly large quantities. Attendees were embroiled in misunderstandings. One Dumisani... More

The accused was 38 years at the time the offence was committed. The deceased was aged 35 years. The accused appears in this court on a charge of murder in contravention of section 47 (1) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23). The accused denies the charge of murder and tenders a plea of guilty to the lessor offence of culpable homicide. The state accepts the limited plea. A Statement of Agreed Facts has been tendered into the record. It summarizes the events leading to the death of the deceased. On the 4th of August 2004 the... More

A record of proceedings must correctly reflect what has been recorded by the judicial officer during the course of proceedings. Where a Magistrate records in long hand what has transpired during proceedings it is desirable to record the proceedings in legible and uniform handwriting. Whilst it is possible, but certainly not desirable, for a Magistrate to vary his writing style in the same proceedings, it is not desirable to do so. A record of proceedings in long hand must have a uniform style, clearly reflecting that the same judicial officer is the one whose proceedings have been recorded. The state... More